Monday 25 July 2016


POT: Now that I am on fire, there is no way you can perch on me.
FLIES: (in unanimous voice, the flies reply), Don’t worry, enjoy yourself, but we will wait till you come down  and get cold.

Lets see how this conversation affects us.

First, the parties in the conversation.

  •  You are the pot
  • Devil and his agents represent the flies

Secondly, the key terms in their statement.

  • The fire of God represents the spirit of God in the life of a believer. The state of the pot represents a state of alertness and intimate relationship with God. Notice the boast of the pot, fully aware that as long as it is on fire, the flies cannot touch. Why is the pot on fire? Because it knows the touch of the flies is dangerous. I am sure you don’t like it when you see flies on your pot that you are using to cook your food. Flies harbours germs that is dangerous to its host.
  •  The waiting of the flies represents the patience the devil exercises when he wants to get the children of God. One method the devil uses is patience, because he knows that one day, the pot will come down and get cold and then he would gain entrance. He knows that as long as you are on fire, you are untouchable, since he cannot touch you now, he will wait.
  • The pot getting cold represents the inconsistency of the believer in continuous fellowship with God. The pot finally leaves the fire and get cold after sometimes. This is the time the flies are waiting for. The pot has been winning when on fire, now it is cold and the flies are happy to prey on it.  How I wish every child of God is constantly on fire, the devil will wait in vain. Depending on the time it takes to clean the pot again, you will see maggot swimming inside the pot. That’s the multiplication  of the germs of the flies, representing the harm done to a believer that was once on fire. This is what the devil wants, he is waiting for an opportunity to destroy the children of God completely.
Facts from the Lesson above

  • As long as you are on fire, the devil/enemy cannot touch you. God is a consuming fire, the fire will burn who ever that touches His own.
  • The conversation can be likened to that of God and devil. when God told him about Job, he told God it was because of the blessings that Job is still on fire for him. God allows the devil to separate Job from the blessings. Job never gave up his fire nor deny God. If job can sustain the fire to the end, you too can do same. You are the job of this time. You won't fail God in Jesus name.
  • The devil is always waiting for an opportunity to attack, he attacks only when you get cold (relaxed).
  • When you notice you are getting cold, don’t take the chance, re-fire and get hot again. Pot can decides to come down after cooking its food, but you can not afford to come down because there are agents on the ground waiting for you. When you notice your the battery of your phone is dropping, you charge it. So, when you notice you are getting cold, simply recharge.


  • Pray without ceasing (1 Thes.5:18)
  •  Be possessed with the word of God. Study it always. Col.3:16, Joshua 1:8
  • Pray in tongues always Jude 1:20
  • Give yourself to constant worship.
  •  Stay connected (John15:5- I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing)
please, if you require clarification on any part of the lesson, please drop a comment or email me personally.

God bless you real good!

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