Wednesday 27 July 2016

50 Smiles V (Wedding Vows Renewed)

Tochi and Daniel, having reflected on how their marriage life has been for 50 years, decided to celebrate the golden jubilee anniversary in an unusual way.

This time, they both decided to be alone far away from home. Daniel has specially made this arrangement to express his gratitude over the unconditional love he has received from Tochi.

Daniel caught Tochi by her hand as he led her in the room replete with colours, off course, Tochi's favorite colours. Tochi took some moments to feed her eyes as her face beemed with copious smiles.
Tochi was distracted as Daniel clutched his hands into hers from behind. In a calm voice, Daniel broke the silence.

'You brought beauties into my life. I remember the first day I met you, people change over time, but you remain the same. You stood by me when you had every reason to leave years ago. You danced with me in storms and pains. You built our homes that was in shambles, you rescued it from falling. The children are happy because of you. When I lost my job, it was never seen on our faces all because of you. With your encouragement, now we have castles.' Honey, you brought out the man and the giant in me.
'Daniel turned around to face Tochi. This time tears was shining on Tochi's face. Daniel continued but in a shaken voice and eyes clouded with tears. 'Please, tell me how do I pay for your love.' I thought it was over for me when I deserted you in that storm. Instead of paying me with my coin, you chose to lavish love I never deserve on me. How do I pay you back, please tell me!'

For minutes, there was tears rolling down from the two grey haired mum and Dad. Tochi had her head now on his chest soaked in tears but she managed to spare some words.
   'Honey, your chest has become very broad and I am happy leaning on it. There is only one way to pay me back, please carry me around this room as you did on our wedding day. Then, I will sing same song I composed for us, that we both sang on our wedding day. That's your prize!' Daniel grinned and lifted her in his arms. He gently carried her around the room as Tochi sang softly in his ears:

 (song) "love is like a hammer
Breaking in pieces every sorrow 

When hearts are knitted into one
I give you my heart today
As I planted yours in mine.
I will love you when the skies are blue and when they seem no more,

We will fight and win in love!"

They both ended the song as Tochi climbed down from his hands.
   'Dan, does that song make any meaning to you now? That's how we have been. I couldn't have imagined a world without you, sweet heart! Dan, honestly, I think you loved me more than I do. All I wanted was a man that would love and respect me. You did, Dan! The past's temptation was beyond you, and I understood, the reason I stayed with you. Thanks always for being there for me'

Daniel caught her hands again but this time looking straight into her blue eyes. 'This was how we both stood 50 years ago on the altar. You are as beautiful as ever. You in my life has given my world a meaning. If I have another chance to come to this world again, 'I will marry you again.' They both chorused it as they laugh loudly at the coincidence.

'I love you from my dept.' I love you more! Tochi replied.

Dan, do you remember our request to God? 'Nope, please remind me.'

'I can't imagine living in this world without you, Dan! Our request is  that we will hold our hands when the time comes to behold our King.'

'Oh yeah, I remember, you know what I'm thinking, that we both bring God a gift.'

what could that be? Tochi wondered.

'We will dance our dance to praise Him as we appear before Him, just as we do a bit of it again tonight.

Daniel and Tochi both smiled as they they danced in gratitude to God for fifty years in marriage.

Hmmmm! Who says marriage can not survive again in our time? Who says love can not be sustained till old age?
But it is disheartening to hear even people we look up to calling it a day after months or few years of marriage. Love doesn't die, because God is love. Situations will test love, a little patience, a little prayer will go a long way. Our marriage can be better than that of Tochi and Daniel, the prize is to love unconditionally and have God in it. Remember,if God has not built a house, the laborer only labours in vain that builds it.

May God bless our marriage with more than 50 smiles. In the next episode, we will invite Tochi to tell us how he met Daniel.

Thanks for reading!
From all us to Tochi and Daniel

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