Thursday 28 July 2016

Who Is Your Mentor?

The quote above tells us that we are not Island and we need the experience of the people who have seen things in life to survive.

What is mentor-ship?

Lets take the definition from Am J.;

From Wikipedia definition,

Mentor-ship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but she or he must have a certain area of expertise

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

Every successful man or woman has a backing. The backing comes in different forms, ranging from moral, spiritual, political, or career. There is no lone ranger as far as humans are concerned. We need people to always lean on. We could run out of ideas or  don't know what to do with the ones we have, we may feel we don't have the strength, and there come a voice of a mentor. "saying get up and fight, it is in you". Mentor's advice  will spark up a beauty lying inside of  us. Anyone that really wants to succeed needs mentor.

Who then is a mentor?

Mentors inspires

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” 
― William Arthur Ward

Mentors push you outside of your comfort Zone. Mentors do not give you sight, but they make you see the big picture. Mentors helps to fan the embers of your gift to fulfillment and awaken the giant lying inside of you.

Importance of Mentor-ship

"If I hadn't had mentors, I wouldn't be here today. I'm a product of great mentoring, great coaching... Coaches or mentors are very important. They could be anyone--your husband, other family members, or your boss." Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo
  • mentor-ship rules out costly mistake 
  • It ensures wiser decision are made. You have a broader view of things before you make a decision
  • Mentor-ship shapes ideas.
  • it helps us to see farther than we could see if we were on our own.
  • Mentor-ship provokes synergy to accomplishing a purpose/goal
  • positive mentor-ship guides one to fulfilling life purpose.
Who needs Mentor-ship
leaders, employees, employers, students, pastors, artists, athletes/sport man or woman, businesses. we all need the shoulders of giant to be a giants. Timothy in the Bible enjoyed the mentor-ship of Paul for his ministry. Samuel enjoyed the mentorship of Eli. Businesses rely on inputs from consultants to shape their decisions

Mentor-ship And Environment
While environment plays a major factor when it comes to mentoring, individuals also must carefully choose who they pattern their life to. Mentoring comes with influence, because you believe and do what your role model or mentor advises you, or what you see him/her do. If you make someone who do not have positive values your mentor, sooner or later you will be like him or her.

Choosing A mentor
When you want to choose who should mentor you, please choose those that have moral value infrastructure, positive perspective of things and with good sense of judgment. Choose people older than you or those that have experience of what you want them to mentor you for.

The Greatest mentor of all times remains the Holy Spirit because it is a Promise that He will teach us all things and helps us to do great exploits
The big question again is who is your mentor?

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