Friday 22 July 2016

Poem OF The Day- Agape Love

An eye for an eye, we ply our ways, 
Trampling on the innocence of others; 
what do we care, if only we have all to ourselves;
Not even a thought of the owner of our breaths to revere;
Yet in this, His heart burns untold. 

Like the tearing of a paper, like the wearing away of soil, 
Like the closing of lights to herald the night flames,
He could have just taken a verdict justifiable of our deeds, 
A punishment we deserve in every sense, 
But He did otherwise; He took our stained garments upon Himself and roped us in His love,
A grace we least deserve, a Mercy only agape love could afford.
__Philip Ekomenmen

Hmmmmm, we are quick to take revenge on others, we pay others with their coin; if God had done same, no one will live today. God is love and He loves unconditionally; if we are truly His and the Spirit of God dwells in us, we will do same. As we love others, we are indeed loving God, because we can't hate our fellows and say we love God.

These types of love might Interest you:

1.) Mania –This is the love of possession. “Mania” is translated as “madness” and “beside yourself” in Acts 26

2.) Eros – Eros is obviously the root word for “erotic,” but it does not describe sexual love only, it actually describes all emotional love; the feeling of love.  Eros love is that desire to be near the target of this love.  The exciting, passionate, nervous feelings that sweep over people in the appropriate circumstances.

3.) Philos –Philos describes the love between two people who have common interests and experiences, or a fondness for. It is commonly used in the New Testament, as in Matt. 10:37, John 12:25, and Revelation 3:19.

4.) Storgy – Storgy is the love one has for a dependent.  It is commonly called “motherly love.”  It is entirely based on the relationship between the “lover” and the “lovee.”

5.) Agapeo – Agape love is the final of the five loves we look at here.  Agape love is entirely about the lover, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the one loved.  Agape love, in its purest form, requires no payment or favour in response.  The most common word for God’s love for us is Agape (I John, John 3:16) and the love we are commanded to have for one another (Matt. 5:44, I Cor. 13).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am glad to be a beneficiary of God's love!