Friday 22 July 2016

50 Smiles IV (War Room)

Tochi and her husband are very grateful to everyone for following up with their testimonies. Tochi told us in part 2 how she turned her room to a war room. She wants to tell us more about it.

I refused to allow the devil destroy my family
Tochi speaks: the storm of childlessness drew me very closer to God. I could not have depended on anyone else this time. The coldness from my hubby too was also a thing I dread. Initially he found it difficult to believe the problem was not from me. Sometimes, I have to cook and eat all alone if I couldn't persuade Daniel to eat.

I love Daniel so much and I gave him the promise of being with him till death during our courtship, leaving him now was a thing I couldn't imagine. I refused to focus on whatever attitude I see now from him  but hoping someday we will smile again. I resorted to prayers and a battle against the one that stole our joy.

The battle field was the closet in my room. I itemised what I wanted from God. I didn't fail to let God know I want my husband back to myself, because I was at the verge of loosing him to pressure coming from friends and family. I had to spend quality time in studying the word and in meditation, wrote out scriptural verses I want to memorize for prayers. 12am on dot, I was up for serious battle in prayers. Fasting became a daily dose as sometimes I forgot to eat.

I drew my strength from the presence of God. His joy was always  my strength. This is where I got my smiles from. After each prayers, I always feel this joy welling up within me. Daniel would be wondering what is always amusing me. The joy within me was my assurance God was attending to my case. It made me to know I was not alone. I was always glad going to the closet to meditate and pray because it will add to my joy again.

God face was shinning on me until it became evident I was pregnant. Before this time, the first answer I received to my prayers was the coming back of my husband.
Now we pray together always
Coming back to the arms of my husband was all I have been craving for. I really missed Daniel. It was only grace to withstood the loneliness despite the fact that I was in marriage. That was when I knew you can be married and still be lonely. Not only did Daniel come back, he joined me in the war against the enemy of our joy. This further confirmed to me our prayers will soon be answered. Now our prayers became very effective because we have joined force together and our hearts knitted together again as one. We became a formidable force and we prayed until something happened. Today, our family altar is strengthened and we don't joke with it even after our prayers have been answered.
We won't relax as long as the devil keeps hovering around looking for whom to devour their joy. To God be the glory, it's really been more than 50 smiles all the way.

Hmmmmm...this is the part that got me thinking and asking myself if I am really born again. Will I be able to tarry in the presence of God like Tochi? Will I be able to pray until something happened? And after prayers have been answered, will I relax? These are questions you should ask yourself too. Prayer truly is an investment. And how wonderful it is for partners to hold their hands in prayers. 
A family that prays together stays together.

God will strengthen you in the place of prayers in Jesus name, Amen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We must not fold our hands and watch the devil steal our joy. Get up and fight!