Thursday 21 July 2016

50 Smiles III (Laughing In The Face Of Trouble)

Daniel and Tochi sends their regards to everyone that have been following their testimonies.

Remember Daniel told us they laughed a lot. He wish to tell us more about it.
Daniel speaks: When God had blessed us and my wife was pregnant, the period was full of excitement and challenges too.

You need to see my Tochi now in her state, she was more beautiful than ever. Calling me to come and see the baby kicks was an exercise I raced from office to experience. What we didn't know was that the kick on both sides of the stomach were actually as a result of the twins Tochi was carrying. Watching baby kick was a fun time for both of us. This always end up in laughter after her teasing question. She would ask me again, did you say you wanted a girl, why not a boy? She was amazed at my likeness for a baby girl as against what most men in Africa want as their first issue. Her condition brought me closer to her like never before. Tochi would never want me to feel sorry for her. She was as strong like never before and, even stronger in faith than me.

I was in the office one day and her call came in, "I'm going to the hospital, I don't know how I'm feeling, but I will be fine." 'I will join you sweetie'. I replied her. For some seconds I was wondering what would have happened to her. It was just seven months, so I was not expecting her in labour yet. I dropped everything I was doing and raced to the hospital at once.

I went in and was directed to where I could see her, to my amazement I met her laughing. Now I was confused, is this not the person that told me she was going to the hospital. On sighting me, Tochi was laughing the more. I didn't know when I joined Tochi and we were both laughing. Tochi managed to say, 'the doctor said...' and she started laughing again. I laughed on with her even when I don't know what the doctor said. 'In Jesus name!' Tochi said, and I said Amen and we ended the laugh. 'Please tell me what the doctor said that made you started laughing'. I entreated. 'Honey let's go home and I will explain to you.' she advised.

On our way home, she narrated, 'doctor said something about Fibroids, and that it might likely caused some complications. So I started laughing because the devil is defeated in this. And I know the covenant I have with God over this pregnancy that there won't be issue and complications and I am holding on to it.' How do you feel now? I demanded sharply. 'Trust me, I am kicking like the baby is kicking. She said with broad smiles standing on her face which lit mine too.
At other time, in the middle of the night, Tochi's temperature rose and you could feel the heat in her body. I stood up all of sudden, for a moment I was confused of what to do. I didn't know when I started laughing very loud. As I was laughing she was smiling. In some minutes, her temperature normalized.

Nine months was over and two babies emerged. We never heard of fibroids and complications. Tochi delivered the twins herself. Tochi infected me with so great a faith. She gave me the cause to trust God completely. It has indeed been more than 50 smiles of our marriage. And today we are still laughing and smiling. I will allow Tochi to continue the testimony….

Hmmmmm! Laughing in bad situation, what a faith! Laughing is birthed out of what you believe. They believed and trusted God, and when the opposite is happening, they just laughed as a way of telling the devil he has failed. And truly, when devil comes with fear and you don't give in, he flees with his problems. Devil gets confused when instead of seeing sorrow on your face, he meets you laughing or smiling.
I think I hear someone laughing loud, Please laugh and put the devil to shame.

God bless your home with more than fifty smiles! Amen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God will give us reasons to laugh. We'll laugh out the troubles in our life.