Thursday 21 July 2016

50 Smiles II

Many sent regards to Tochi, I delivered your messages ooo . Tochi smiled broadly when she learnt that you are interested in her testimony. The smile is actually like a light, so bright!

Tochi speaks:

I got into my marriage with great excitement. It was rosy at the beginning as I enjoyed the love of my hubby, Daniel. Soon, a raging storm waded in to test our love. We had no issue for 8 years. You know what that means in this part of the world. In this period, Daniel was pressured and you could see it on his face. He was advised to chase me away and get another woman since I couldn't give him a child. Series of tests revealed nothing was wrong with both of us. Though he didn't chase me away, but somehow our hearts were getting disconnected. I could feel I was loosing him, but i refused to give him up.

I had a first bite of the ranging storm when one day Daniel came back from office and refused to talk to me. As usual, I won't let him be until I light his face with smiles. Finally he spoke, 'honey, do you know what it means for a man to come back and he hears his children saying "daddy, welcome". I asked myself if I actually heard this hot words from my hubby that I thought we have been fighting together, has he given up? For moments I was dumbfounded as I looked for appropriate words to say so that I don't annoy him. "Yes dear, I know what it means, from today, I will be doing that to you, because you have a child in this house, I am your child." I told him with reassurance and lights of smiles. He seems not to pay attention to me. The smile I managed to force out couldn't cast out the darkness of sorrow on his face.

The next day, I woke up as usual, but this time to wave him 'bye bye' like a child. 'Daddy, bye, bye...! please buy me biscuit.' I said it with all excitement of a child. He waved back at me with some smiles at the corners of his mouth. I know he must be wondering what sort of woman is this. In the evening, when I heard his horn, I ran out shouting, 'daddy welcome!' continuously. And then I demanded for my biscuit like a child would do, amazingly he pulled out one from his pocket and handed it to me. I knew he could be naughty too. I didn't even pay attention to that, at least I got my biscuit. I held him by his hand and we both went in. 'Daddy, help me open my biscuit'. This time, he looked at me as if to say, are you alright. He opened my biscuit for all I care. I sat in his bosom and devoured my biscuit like a child making all the noises children make.

I continued in this naughty attitude and got him used to it. To him, I am now a child that he wanted in his house, but inside of me, I sobbed like an adult, praying for a miracle and also praying continuously for Daniel. My room became my war room. And God did it, He heard my humble cry and decided to replace my tears with more than 50 smiles. Exactly the eight year, I conceived. As a way of saying double for shame, God blessed us with a set of twin, a boy and a girl. And there after we had another boy. God has made our smiles complete now. All has become a story now and my Daniel has turned a river of joy for me; the smiles is truly more than fifty. I also want to thank my hubby for not putting me away as he was advised. I love you Daniel.

Hmmmmm! Tochi stooped to conquer. She conquered the angry heart with love. She understood what it means to keep her marriage. She fought with her overwhelming great attitudes and in prayers. And she won the storm.
What about you? What would you have done if you were in Tochi's shoes? Become a beast or improve the more on your attitudes?.

Storms will definitely roll in to test our love in relationships/marriage, we must be resolute with our firm focus on God and never waver in our good attitudes.

May God bless your home with more than fifty smiles! Amen!

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