Thursday 21 July 2016

50 Smiles.

My testimony might have been otherwise if I had married another woman 50 years ago.

Tochi and I were not perfect but we built a perfect relationship. Our strengths were revealed in our weaknesses. Kudos to Tochi!
Tochi never stopped smiling at me even when it was obvious I have wronged her beyond

measures, yet she will spread open her arms of love  and pour her smiles like a light on my face. With her help, my heart got fermented with love and brokenness. I learnt to love unconditionally by her unwavering actions. Tochi will never repay evil for evil.

You could see her flash of smiles across my face, smiles birthed out of the actions of a loving wife God blessed me with. And yes!  We laugh! Very loud! Tochi would say, "when you laugh in bad situation, you get the devil confused". So when things are down, we just laugh and laugh because the devil is defeated!
Tochi meant the world to me, she has been the bomb; my life would have been miserable without her. There is more than 50 smiles on my face all because of you, Tochi!

Hmmmmm! Do you want to hear the testimony of Tochi too, how she  turned around what she felt was dragging her marriage to hit the rock? We enter relationships with great expectations,we get disappointed when they are not far reaching. Actually, what do we have to offer and continue to offer even when our partner doesn't deserve it?

Please check next blog as Tochi continues the testimony.(50 Smiles 11)

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