Monday 8 August 2016

Can Marriages still survive in this century?? - PART II

Events are always celebrated with utmost interest...My husband now 68, still knows how to turn on the heat. He comes up with superb surprises at every event. He has this great memory of important dates of our lives. My 60th birthday was one I can't forget in a hurry. This time, the surprise made me melt like when he just met me. Not to talk of the blushing in front of my children
It was all awesome. He made sure all the children were around without my notice to blow my mind. As early as 5am, music was already playing in the sitting room, every one in agog waiting for me to wake up.

Every where was decorated with colours, and candles burning and smiling. At their sights, and in a moment, l was swept off by love. I didn't know when I landed in his hands and clung to him. I knew it was his handiwork, he knows how to just do the to blow my mind. The celebration ranged on all day in ecstasy.

Whatever he does for me I always want to reciprocate. Not because  I want to compete but because i believe one good turn deserves another. If we don't take care of ourselves,who will? Smiles!

We have taken turns to surprise each other on our wedding anniversaries. It is always a time we look forward to. A time we renew our marriage vows. I want to marry him again and again and he simply wants to do same. Most of those times, we are always alone. The emotions that comes with the moment are always awesome. We just couldn't hold back the tears that comes with the moment,

In one anniversary, I told him as we held our hands in passion,"I wonder what my life would have been without you, thanks for coming into my life". For a moment, he was mute. Then, he looked away. I tried call his attention When he looked at me again, there was tears in his eyes, gushing out. I held him close to myself as we wet ourselves with tears. Then he started, "when I was looking for a wife to marry, I never stopped to tell God to give me a woman I would love for the rest of my life. When you came into my life, indeed God's promises came to pass. By the virtue of you coming into my life, I have indeed obtained favour. Thanks for coming into my life." He said and swept me close to himself. In a while, I was in his hands like a baby. I love it when he carries me. He is never too old to love me and I'm never to big to reciprocate same. With tears in my eyes, I kicked start our love song we composed for ourselves.

All this while, our children have been basking in our love. Our love was rubbing on them heavily. There is nothing they don't tell us and that has helped us to guide them. We see ourselves all as stakeholders in the home. We hold one another in high esteem. In our round table discussions, we rub minds, share values and inculcate discipline. In one father's day, our first son wrote to us. He titled it, YOU ARE MY HERO. In his first line, he said,"Today Is father's day and I'm supposed to write this to only dad, but I decided to address it to both of you because I have  known you both to be one and I know you both will read this together. So when I said you are my hero,I am referring to both of you..." truly we read it together with tears of  fulfillment.

Today, if you asked me "what is my biggest testimony in life?",I will tell you "God gave me a family that has made my my home like heaven on earth."

Hmmmm. Marriage is not a thing to dread but a lifetime moment of love  to anticipate and enjoy. Sure, God brought that family together but in a CONCERTED EFFORTS they made it work. I have discovered today one of the major challenges in marriage is too much expectations that are never met. We expect too much to the extent we forget to play our own roles. A husband that complains over bad food and never commends good ones expects too much. A wife that punishes the husband with sex because he couldn't meet her needs expects too much. Selflessness defines love and we have to expect less and give more. Think of what you can give to make your spouse happy and you will end up having more. God bless our marriages!

Click here for part one

Click here for part one

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