Tuesday 9 August 2016

What Do You Consider The Best Gift For Your Children?


Is there a climate of trust, respect, love and joy in your home?

Children are vulnerable to whatever atmosphere that exists in the home. We can give our children one of life's most valuable gifts without spending a dime. All we have to do is pay attention to how we treat our spouse.

If couple genuinely love themselves, part of the reason is traceable to how their parents did when they were children. What if the reverse was the case? For instance, a man that is always beating up his wife in the presence of the children, you can imagine that kind of seeds sown in those children.

Whatever we do at home is a seed we are sowing in the life of our kids. What seeds are you sowing into your children's lives? They are watching, and they want to do like you. everything happening around that they see us do might be normal in their eyes. If we treat our wives as queen, there is a big tendency they will want to follow suite.

Its erroneous to believe they are kids and therefore they don't know anything. Go to bed with your spouse in their presence and the next morning you will see them practicing it. Children practice/experiment what they observe. You can never rule out parental influence in the life of our kids. This is a lesson to be learnt by even the singles. You must give your spouse utmost treatment to save the marital future of your children. Someone said, "the worst danger that confronts the younger generation is the example set by the older generation".If mum and dad can't grow up to live their lives in a positive, constructive way, there is not much hope for their children. Parents should be their children 'role models' or 'heroes'. king Duncan asserts, "the influence we have on our children is awesome. They are our responsibility. before we change the world, we must make every effort to help them become happy and productive human beings. Children need someone to inspire them..."

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