Tuesday 2 August 2016

Poem of the day (Love In Dead-End)

I see it crumbled, leaving these aches in my heart,
Love walked away like the spirit leaving the body,
I reached forth my hands in grasp but already a shadow.

My mouth in sour,appetite forgotten, unsought images in my mind with a repulsive melody playing in my head.
Passersby fetching my tears like an abundant harvest in the field.
Entangled by fears of loneliness, a trap I dread.

Moments we treasured now moments I detest as they crawled by in motionless images in this numb mind,
I tried to be strong, but the more I failed in strength,
As my mind wobbled in deep thoughts still, I am empty as love walked away with my soul,

My thoughts clouded, I can't think straight, I am afraid to walk lest my shivering feet slip,
I dread to live, not even the appearance of nightfall, a sleep in nightmares.
This is surely a dream, then let me wake up in haven to dazzled by smiles, why did you walk away, my love and my soul?

__Philip Ekomenmen

This poem is dedicated to everyone who have shared in the pains of love when it decided to walk away, that is,  those who have had broken hearts in relationships. Words may not be able to paint how you felt when it feels the world has ended yet no trumpet sound from the Angel, but to let you know you can put your past behind.

This too shall pass, it doesn't last longer, it doesn't mean love has ended, it does not mean your heart can not love again, it does not mean there are no good people out there; it only allowed you to relate with reality!
Dust yourself and move on again!

God's love is eternal and constant as against the fallible love of man, when you feel no one cares and no one loves you anymore, just remember to cast your burden on Him because he cares for you! Jesus cares!

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