Sunday 14 August 2016

Conflict Of Purpose In Marriage

One day, a young boy was going to the farm, and his grandfather gave him a local made cutlass, but he prefers a beautiful knife that looks very sharp. He was not ready to know the differences as far as his likeness for the knife was concerned.

He got to the farm and soon got tired because the knife was not meant for what he was using it for. "The beautiful knife could only cut vegetables and not other grasses". The grandfather told him.

Most often, we are easily carried away by the facial looks of things. We carry the looks in our minds and refuse it's reality until we could no longer cope. Not every lady that is beautiful fits into your destiny. It might not be that guy that looks so handsome and has the desired physique and riches that fits into your destiny.
It could be that brother you have never put in your thoughts once. It could be that sister you feel is not very attractive. As far as the reality of life is concerned, singles are like children cutting down trees, unless guided by the elders, they don't know where the tree will fall to. Unless we are guided by God we might align ourselves with the person that was never meant for our destiny.

When you wear shoes that are not your size, you are not going to be comfortable. This is one of the reasons we have problems in marriages today.
A time will come that every man or woman is meant to manifest his or her purpose in life. And there are purposes that go together. When your partner starts manifesting purposes that do not align with yours, there is going to be conflict and disagreement. This is what is referred to as conflict of purpose.

Adam recognized the woman to be one made to align with his(man) destiny. Animal could not fit into that position. If an animal could fit in, there was no need to have formed a woman out of a man. So don't go for an animal, go for the one for you.

It is very interesting to know that God is still in the business of leading and directing the affairs of His own. If God does not build a house, the labourer only labours in vain, if He doesn't watch over a city, the watchman only wastes his time. He knows when the emotions you are building up for him or her will drop like rain. In other words, He knows where the trees we are cutting as children will fall. He sees tomorrow that we don't see. He knows the perfect one for our destiny. He can easily put the square pegs in the square hole, because He made all things. Everything God made is beautiful. God's kind of beauty is not one defined by appearance. It is the hidden man of the heart.
So when we pray for life partner, pray that he or she should be the one whose destiny align with yours. And the pray for divine leading.

I shared this prayers sometimes ago in November  2014 about the kind of woman i want,

Qualities of My Kind Of Woman
(A Prayer Heavenly Minded Men Should Pray)

I don't need a perfect woman in speech; but let her words edify.
I don't need a perfect woman in looks; but let her looks bear Jesus.
I don't need a perfect woman in affection; but let your love rule her heart.

I don't need a perfect woman in deeds; but let her not do what Jesus would not do...
I don't need a woman that goes her ways, but one whose ways are guided by a vision whose author is you yourself... 
Let her ways please you and let  her run with a focus to make heaven while influencing others with same purpose.

Let her be selfless as she impacts,
Let her give life where death boasts,
Let her light chase away the looming darkness wherever she goes,
Let her be an instrument of peace where there is prejudice,
And let her express love where hatred turns an odium.

Father, in all, let the search for You stops at her bus stop because Jesus will be seen clearly in her.
One more thing Lord, please, help me to know her

when she shall be revealed.

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